Monthly Archives: March 2024

Sunday 10th March

Rev Hugh Perry

Theme: Snakes and Darkness to the Light of Christ

Numbers 21: 4-9

This reading opens with a typical whinging in the wilderness prevalent in the Exodus saga and moves into a strange story that, Maurice Andrew says is not to be taken literally but, seeks to explain that the bronze serpent, which was to be found in the temple, was not a forbidden graven image.

The complaints arise in our reading because the Edomites refused to allow passage through their land so a detour had to be made.[1]

The significance for us is the allusion to it in John’s Gospel where the image of the snake on the pole is substituted by the crucified Jesus.

Hear what the spirit is saying to the Church.

Thanks be to God.

John 3:14-21

This reading is part of the theological discourse given to Nicodemus which starts at the beginning of chapter 3 with Nicodemus coming in the night to Jesus.

From the opening of this sermon on, salvation by baptism, Jesus uses crucifixion as a saving symbol.  Just as the serpent, a symbol of evil from Genesis, becomes a symbol that heals those afflicted by snake bites so the symbol of evil in a cruel and tortuous death, becomes a symbol that gives life and, lifting up to die on the cross, becomes lifting up to resurrection.

In Numbers, God passes judgement on the people but in this passage the judgement is self-judgement in accepting the transforming light or ignoring it.

Bill Loader writes:

This sets the scene for 3:14-15 which belong closely with what precedes. The Son of Man must be ‘lifted up’. Like the ascent in 3:13 this refers to the event which begins at Jesus’ death. ‘Lifted up’ is wonderfully ambiguous. He will be lifted up on a cross. He will also be lifted up/exalted to God’s presence. John plays on the double meaning in typical fashion.  Here he uses what may have already been a traditional association between Jesus’ death and the snakes in the wilderness. A Crucified Jesus is like the bronze snake which Moses fashioned and put on a pole.

John is tending away from a picture of God who wants to punish people forever towards a picture of God who wants life for people.  Whatever our own solution to the issues of inclusion and exclusion, John’s Gospel asks us to recognise, that to reject the love, light and truth we see in Jesus, is to choose death.[2]


As a boy I used to listen to a radio programme called ‘My Word.’   You will not be surprised to learn that I liked it because of the way it manipulated words in a way that was funny.  In the introduction the listener was told that it was a programme about words by people whose business was words.

John the Gospel writer was obviously in the word business.  He manipulated words extracting meaning from them in the way he twisted and arranged them.  Many of the writers of what we call the Old Testament played the same games and if we could read ancient Hebrew, we would find that they used puns as well as allusion and quotations from older texts.

This twisting and turning of words and meaning is very apparent in today’s Gospel reading that contains layer upon layer of meaning as John passes on to us the passion he has for following Jesus, and his enthusiasm for encouraging others to also follow Jesus.

The interesting thing about the use of a snake as a symbol in today’s readings is that it is an image that twists and turns through scripture in a very snake like way.

Beginning in Genesis it is the serpent that tempts humanity away from the limitations God imposes.  The snake therefore becomes the symbol of the evil side of humanity that turns away from God.

Therefore, it is logical that image is picked up in our Numbers reading where snakes are the punishment for complaining about the freedom God has given the people.

Complaining about freedom’, or as I like to call it, ‘whinging in the wilderness’ is a constant theme that runs through the Exodus saga and highlights the reality that to be truly free means to live off the resources of the journey.

We have recently remembered the devastating damage Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle inflicted on the North Island bring floods and loss of life to Auckland and isolating parts of the East Coast around Gisborne.

As the stories of those isolated communities emerged, we not only learned of acts of heroism but also people who did what they could with what they had.  People who had bulldozers and people who had inflatable boats who cleared paths and recued people off roofs.  Surf lifesavers that took their IRBs up rivers instead of out to sea.  People who accepted the journey and made the most of what they had.

But complaining about adversity and inconvenience is also alive and well in Aotearoa.  We recently lived through the first and most deadly wave of a pandemic.  Our death rate was lower than most nations in the world.  But just like Moses’ people folk had to divert their journey to avoid conflict.  There was a cost to avoiding a potentially deadly pandemic.  Closed boarders enforced quarantine, and compulsory vaccination for those employed caring for people interfered with a lot of peoples’ individual journeys and personal beliefs.  So, they not only complained bitterly but made up alternative facts.

Recently real estate agent Janet Dickson has taken legal action against her Continue reading Sunday 10th March

Sunday 3rd March

Rev Barbara Peddie

Pattern for living

A sermon on Exodus 20: 1-17 and John 2: 13-22. Lent 3B 2024

In these days of rising costs, ever-increasing lists of repairs left undone, resident Covid, and ever-louder voices of protesters, it takes an effort of will to move into the place of expectation that Lent brings to us. Just now, it’s definitely not easy to believe that God is about to do a new thing.

Well, it certainly wasn’t easy for the exodus Israelites in the desert, and it’s even harder today for the Palestinians in the wreckage and bloodshed of Gaza and the Ukrainians constantly listening for the next explosions. In these times, just as much as in the time of Moses there’s constant challenge and uncertainty and worry and fear about what tomorrow might bring. So maybe today’s reading from the Hebrew Scriptures comes at a very appropriate time for us. Although, for the Israelites in the desert, when God did do a new thing and gifted them with Torah – the Law – it’s possible they felt like it was like being kicked when they were down. Who wants rules and regulations when survival is top of the priority list? Who wants more challenges in a way forward? As far as the Israelites were concerned, all they wanted was to stop wandering and settle down in a good place!

The appearance of the Decalogue in the midst of the readings for Lent comes as a surprise. We’ve heard it all before. For my generation, the Ten Commandments were given a fair hammering. Moreover, the Sunday School stuff was probably overlaid with a heap of non-biblical imagery that can be very hard to shake off. Altogether, it’s hard to think of those 10 commandments, or laws, or ‘words’ as a gift of God to God’s people. But they were and they are. Walter Bruggemann writes, they’re a ‘proclamation in God’s own mouth of who God is and how God shall be “practised” by this community of liberated slaves.’ It’s about the ‘how’ of living in covenant with the faithful God of Abraham, – and Jesus. And God’s faithfulness is not a response to the people’s obedience. Fortunately! Continue reading Sunday 3rd March